Samuel Suoniemi's Husky Picnic video is available in Youtube!
An other Husky Picnic video on Boxing Day 2022 by Cold Films
For the latest info about schedules, see Next Husky Picnics and make a reservation to ensure your place. Payment on location. In the reply, you will get a confirmation and participation instructions. Add also your telephone number in case there will be some last minute changes.
Our kennel is situated 30 km south of Tampere, 155 km north of Helsinki. The closest railway station is Lempäälä 8 km away from us. Our recommendation is that you will get here by car. Getting a taxi is sometimes challenging in the deep countryside.
37500 Lempäälä.
Email (preferred):
Telephone: +358451224044
WhatsApp: +358402516923
What does Husky Picnic include?
Husky Picnic includes a kennel visit and meeting the dogs, 1 km husky ride and a picnic in the teepee by open fire with your own snacks.
1 km ride does not last long. Between the rides, it is possible to make friends with the huskies, do photography and sit by the fire doing the picnic. Bring your own snacks like sausages and marshmellow candy. There's coffee and tea available from our side. People stay typically 1–2 hours depending on their own interests and weather.
Please note that Husky Picnic is not a real safari where you will learn how to drive your own dogteam. It's not possible here.
You will find pictures and news from our Husky Picnics in Instagram
Click the photos to get to Instagram!
- €35 per person
- Children under 12 yo €10 together with a paying adult
- Family ticket €80 (2 adults and all the children under 12 yo in the family, children 12−15 yo additional fee €10 per child)
- Children under 12 yo without the company of a paying adult (e.g. children's birthday parties) €20 per child
- Groups of min 8 adults can request a private party.
Next Husky Picnics
Currently, on March 22 it looks like the sledding season 2024 is over. If a spring blizzard hits us, we may be able to harness the dogs a couple of times more, but more likely we will be back in business around Christmas 2024 immediately when we get enough snow for building the tracks.
Always check the availability and make a reservation by email or WhatsApp +358402516923 preferably at least the night before! Please note that the last minute queries cannot be answered after 13:00 hours.
Lämpötilarajat | Temperature limits:
- below –25°C cancelled
- below –20°C you can come for a quick ride if you are well equipped
- below –15°C ok but let's cut the picnic after the rides short
- –15°C to –3°C usually optional circumstances blizzards excluded
- above +0°C may mean shortening the rides or even cancel if also raining and flooding